2022/05/20 GMT 8:15-9:15 Speaker: Hélène Esnault … 閱讀全文 May.20 Recent developments on rigid local systems
May.20 Noether-Severi inequality and equality for irregular threefolds of general type
2022/05/20 GMT 7:00-8:00 Speaker: Tong Zhang (Eas… 閱讀全文 May.20 Noether-Severi inequality and equality for irregular threefolds of general type
May.06 Spectra of derived categories of Noetherian schemes
2022/05/06 GMT 8:15-9:15 Speaker: Hiroki Matsui (… 閱讀全文 May.06 Spectra of derived categories of Noetherian schemes
May.06 Microlocalization and Donaldson-Thomas theory
2022/05/06 GMT 7:00-8:00 Speaker: Adeel Khan (Aca… 閱讀全文 May.06 Microlocalization and Donaldson-Thomas theory
May.03 Iitaka conjecture for anticanonical divisors in positive characteristics
May 3 (Tuesday) 04:00PM-05:00PM Speaker: Marta Benozzo … 閱讀全文 May.03 Iitaka conjecture for anticanonical divisors in positive characteristics
Mar.18-20 Invitation to Singular Promenade Workshop
Mar. 18 (Friday) 10:00AM-15:30PM Location: National Don… 閱讀全文 Mar.18-20 Invitation to Singular Promenade Workshop
Apr.08 On the functional equation of automorphic L-functions
2022/04/08 GMT 2:15-3:15 Speaker: Ngô Bao Châ… 閱讀全文 Apr.08 On the functional equation of automorphic L-functions
Apr.08 Boundedness of polarized Calabi-Yau fibrations and generalized pairs
2022/04/08 GMT 1:00-2:00 Speaker: Christ… 閱讀全文 Apr.08 Boundedness of polarized Calabi-Yau fibrations and generalized pairs
2023 NCTS Higher Dimensional Algebraic Geometry, Minicourses and Workshop
Date: 2023.03.13-03.24 Venue: Rm. 515, NCTS (Cosmology … 閱讀全文 2023 NCTS Higher Dimensional Algebraic Geometry, Minicourses and Workshop
Apr. 22 Perverse-Hodge symmetry for Lagrangian fibrations
Apr. 22 GMT 8:15-9:15 Speaker: Qizheng Yin (P… 閱讀全文 Apr. 22 Perverse-Hodge symmetry for Lagrangian fibrations