Jungkai Alfred Chen


I got my Ph.D, in 1997 from UCLA under the supervision of Robert Lazarsfeld. Since then, I have been working in Taiwan for more than two decades. I was involved in various academic services, including: Chairman of the Panel of National Science Council, President of Taiwan Mathematical Society, Chairman of the Department of Math of NTU. Since 2015, I serve as the Director of NCTS (National Center for Theoretical Sciences), Mathematics Division.


Chair Professor, National Taiwan University 08/2017-present 

Distinguished Professor, National Taiwan University 08/2010-07/2017 

Professor, National Taiwan University 08/2004-present 

Associate Professor, National Taiwan University 08/2003-07/2004  

Associate Professor, National Chung Cheng University 08/2001-07/2003 

Assistant Professor, National Chung Cheng University 08/1997-07/2001 


Ph.D. Mathematics, University of California, Los Angeles 09/1992-06/1997

B.A. Mathematics, National Taiwan University, Taiwan 09/1988-06/1992 


Outstanding Research Award, National Science Council 1999, 2009, 2012 

Young Investigator Award, Academia Sinica 2004 

Young Mathematician Award, Taiwanese Mathematical Society 2007 

Ten Outstanding Young Persons of Taiwan 2010 

Morningside Silver Medal of Mathematics, ICCM 2010 

Academic Award, Ministry of Education 2011 

National Chair Professorship, Ministry of Education 2014 

Fellow of the American Mathematical Society 2016 

Invited Speaker of ICM (International Congress of Mathematics) 2018 


Secretary-General, The Mathematical Society of the R.O.C.(TMS) 01/2006-12/2009 

Chairman of Panel in Mathematics, National Science Council 01/2009-12/2011 

PI, Math. Division, Taipei Office, NCTS 01/2012-12/2014 

President, The Mathematical Society of the R.O.C.(TMS) 01/2014-12/2015 

Director, National Center for Theoretical Sciences (Mathematics) 01/2015-12/2020 

Chairman, Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan University 08/2016-07/2019 


1. Annual meeting of Taiwan Mathematical Society 12/2010  Birational geometry in dimension three, Plenary speaker. 

2. International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians, Peking, China 12/2010  Plenary speaker 

3. Alg. Geom., Complex Dynamics and their Interaction, NUS, Singapore 01/2011 4. Conference, “MMP and extremal rays”, in the occasion of Mori’s 60 06/2011 5. Oberwolfach Conference-Complex Geometry, Germany 09/2011 6. Birational and Affine geometry, Moscow, Russia 04/2012 

7. 5th Asian Mathematical Conference, Busan, Korea 03/2013 8. The 2nd Pacific Rim Mathematical Association Congress, Shanghai, China 06/2013 9. Birational Geom. of Complex Algebraic Varieties, in honor of Campana 60th 10/2013 10. ICM 2014 Satellite Conf. on Algebraic and Complex Geometry, Korea 08/2014 11. Oberwolfach Seminar, MFO, Germany 03/2015 12. Iskovskikh Seminar, Steklov Mathematical Institute 06/2015 13. AMS Summer Institute, Utah, USA 07/2015 14. Higher Dimen’l Alg. Geom., Holo. Dyn. and Their Interactions, Singapore 01/2017 15. Freie Universität Berlin 11/2017 16. Workshop in honor of Kawamata, University of Tokyo. 03/2018 17. International Congress of Mathematics, Rio de Jenero, Brazil 

45-min Invited talk (jointly with M. Chen) 08/2018 18. Algebraic Geometry in Auckland, New Zealand 12/2019 19. Iskovskikh Seminar, Russia (online) 03/2021 20. International school on Algebraic Geometry and Algebraic Groups, Vietnam Special lecture in the school, and an invited talk in the workshop 10/2021


1. J. A. Chen, On genera of smooth curves in higher dimensional varieties, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc, 125,(1997) 2221-2225. arXiv 9605008

2. J. A. Chen, C. D. Hacon, Characterization of abelian varieties, Inventiones Mathematicae, 143, (2001), 435-447. arXiv 9903184

3. J. A. Chen, C. D. Hacon, Pluricanonical maps of varieties of maximal Albanese dimension, Math. Ann. 320, (2001), 367-380. arXiv 0005187

4. J. A. Chen, C. D. Hacon Linear series of irregular varieties. Algebraic geometry in East Asia (Kyoto, 2001), 143–153, World Sci. Publ., River Edge, NJ, 2002.

5. J.A. Chen, C. D. Hacon, On algebraic fiber spaces over varieties of maximal Albanese dimension, Duke Math. Jour., 111, (2002), 159-175. arXiv 0011042

6. J.X. Cai, J.A.Chen, A note on characterizations of Abelian varieties by topological invariants, Manu. Math., 112, (2003) 15-19.

7. J.A. Chen, C. D. Hacon, On the irregularity of the image of the Iitaka fibration, Comm. Alg., 32, (2004), 203-215.

8. J.A. Chen, C. D. Hacon, Varieties with P3=4 and q=dim X, Ann. Sc. norm. super. Pisa, V, vol. III. (2004), 399-425. arXiv 0308195

9. J.A. Chen, M. Chen, D.Q. Zhang, A nonvanishing theorem for Q-divisors on surfaces, J. Algebra.,293 (2005), 363-384. arXiv 0504314

10. J.A. Chen, C. D. Hacon, An example of a surface of general type with pg=q=2 and KX2=5, Pacific Jour. Math., 233, (2006), 219-228.

11. J. A. Chen, M. Chen, D.Q. Zhang, The 5-canonical system on 3-folds of general type, J. Reine Angew. Math., 603, (2007), 165-181. arXiv 0512617

12. J.A. Chen, C.D. Hacon, Pluricanonical systems on irregular 3-folds of general type, Math. Zeit, 255, (2007), 343-355.

13 J. A. Chen, M. Chen, On projective threefolds of general type. Elec. Res. Announc. Math. Sci., 14, (2007), 69-73.

14. F. Campana, J. A. Chen, T. Peternell, On strictly nef divisors, Math. Ann., 342, (2008), 565-585 arXiv 0511042

15. J.A. Chen, M. Chen, The canonical volume of threefolds of general type with X<1, J. London Math. Soc., 78, (2008), 693-706. arXiv 0704.1702

16. J. A. Chen, M. Chen, An optimal boundedness on weak $\bQ$-Fano threefolds, Adv. Math., 219, (2008), 2086-2104. arXiv 0712.4356

17. J. A. Chen, M. Chen, Explicit birational geometry of threefolds of general type, arXiv 0706.2987

18. J. A. Chen, C. D. Hacon, On Ueno’s Conjecture K, Math. Ann., 345, (2009), 287-296. arXiv 0802.1060.

19. J. A. Chen, C. D. Hacon, On the geography of threefolds of general type, J. Alg., 321, (2009), 2500-2507. arXiv 0802.0884.

20. J. A. Chen, M. Chen, Explicit birational geometry of threefolds of general type I, Ann. Sci. Ecole Norm. Sup., 43 (2010), 365-394.. arXiv 0810.5041

21. J. A. Chen, M. Chen, Explicit birational geometry of threefolds of general type II, Jour.Diff. Geom, 86 (2010), 237-271, arXiv 0810.5044

22. J. J. Chen, J. A. Chen, M. Chen, On weighted complete intersections. Jour. Alg. Geom, 20, (2011), 239-262. arXiv 0908.1439

23. J. A. Chen, C.D. Hacon, Factoring $3$-fold flips and divisorial contractions to curves. Jour. Reine Angew. Math., 657, (2011), 173-197, arXiv 0910.4209

24. J. A. Chen, C. D. Hacon, Kodaira dimension of irregular varieties, Invent. Math. 186, (2011), 481-500, arXiv 1008.2404

25. J.A, Chen, O. Debarre, Z. Jiang, Varieties with vanishing holomorphic Euler characteristic, Jour. Reine Angew. Math., 691, (2014), 203-227, arXiv 1105.3418

26. J.A. Chen, Factoring threefold divisorial contractions to points, Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa, V, vol. XIII. (2014), 435-463, arXiv 1106.1705

27. J.A. Chen, Explicit resolution of three dimensional terminal singularities, in Minimal Models and Extremal Rays, Proceedings of the conference in honor of Shigefumi Mori’s 60th birthday, Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics. 2016. arXiv 1310.6445

28. J.A. Chen, Three dimensional divisorial contractions, Algebraic Geometry in East Asia, Taipei 2011, Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics. 65, 2016 1-25

29. J.A. Chen, M. Chen, Z. Jiang, On 6-canonical maps of irregular threefolds of general type, Math. Res Lett. 20 (2013), 33-39, arXiv 1206.2804

30. J.A. Chen, M. Chen, Explicit birational geometry of 3-folds and 4-folds of general type, III, Comp. Math, 151 (2015), 1041-1082.

31. J.A. Chen, Birational maps of 3-folds, Taiwanese Jour. Math. 19, (2015), 1619-1642.

32. J.A. Chen, M. Chen, The Noether inequality for Gorenstein minimal 3-folds, Comm. Anal. Geom, 23 (2015).

33. C. Birkar, J.A. Chen, Varieties fibered over abelian varieties with fibers of log general type, Adv. Math. 270, (2015), 206-222.

34. J.A. Chen, Z. Jiang, Z.Y. Tian, Irregular varieties with geometric genus one, theta divisors, and fake tori, Adv. Math, 320 (2017) 361-390.

35. J.A. Chen, Z. Jiang, Positivity in variety of maximal Albanese dimension, Jour. Reine Angew. Math., 736 (2018), 225-254.

36.   J.A. Chen, M. Chen, On explicit aspects of pluricanonical maps of projective varieties, Proc. Int. Cong. of Math. 2018, Rio de Janeriro, vol 2, 653-370

37. J. A. Chen, C.J. Lai, Varieties of general type with small volumes, Intern. Jour. Math. 31 (2020), 2050005

38. J.A. Chen, M. Chen, C. Jiang, The Noether inequality for algebraic threefolds (with an appendix by János Kollár), Duke Math. Jour, 169, No. 9 (2020), 1603-1645.

39. J.J. Chen, J.A. Chen, M. Chen, Z.Jiang, On quint-canonical birationality of irregular threefolds, Proc. London Math. Soc., (3) 00 (2020) 1–25

40. J.A. Chen, M. Chen, C. Jiang, Addendum to “The Noether inequality for algebraic threefolds”, Duke Math. Jour, 169, No. 11 (2020), 2199-2204

41. P. Bangere, J.A. Chen, F. Gallego, On higher dimensional extremal varieties of General type, preprints, arXiv 2101.03411