Mar.18-20 Invitation to Singular Promenade Workshop

Mar. 18 (Friday) 10:00AM-15:30PM

Location: National Dong-Hua University, Meilun Campus, Hualien


Jungkai Chen (NTU), Ching-Jui Lai (NCKU), Hsueh-Yung Lin (NTU)

Aim & Scope:

The purpose of this workshop is to understand singularities from various aspects of mathematics, for students as well as active researchers. In addition to advanced research talks, we will have some students’ presentations, following some chapters of Ghys’ beautiful book “A Singular mathematical promenade”.


2022/03/18 (Friday)

19:00-19:50 林學庸 (NTU) Where are we? Where do we go?

20:00-20:20 陳毅鴻 (NTU) Intersecting polynomials: Maxim Kontsevich

20:20-20:40 梁珮欣 (NTHU) Separable permutations

2022/03/19 (Saturday)

09:30-09:50 黃建順 (NTU) Moebius and his band

09:50-10:10 蘇品丞 (NTU) Moebius necklaces

10:30-11:20 陳正傑 (NCU) Accumulation points of threefold canonical thresholds

13:00-13:20 施政邦 (NTU)

13:20-13:40 張志煥 (NTU) Some formal algebra

13:40-14:00 姚皓勻 (NTU) Convergence Le calcul des limites de Cauchy

14:20-14:40 范谷瑜 (NTU) Resolution of singularities

14:40-15:00 公奕 (Kyoto Univ.) Victor Puiseux, at last!

15:10-15:30 蔡以心 (NTU) Analytic chord diagrams I: an algorithm

15:30-15:50 張宏彬 (NTU) Analytic chord diagrams II: interlace graphs

15:50-16:10 鄭容濤 (NTU)

2022/03/20 (Sunday)

09:30-10:20 陳延安 (NCTS) Foliated MLD and LCT

10:40-11:30 賴青瑞 (NCKU) From RDP’s to klt singularities

11:30-11:45 陳榮凱 (NTU) Closing Remark